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Berlin University Alliance

The Berlin University Alliance (BUA) includes Freie Universität Berlin, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, and Technische Universität Berlin as well as Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin. Their common goal is to build and shape an integrated research space that will turn Berlin into one of the leading science locations in Europe.

To this aim, the Berlin University Alliance has set itself several goals, which include the creation of a Berlin-wide network for research services and infrastructures (Objective 5: Sharing Resources). To implement such a network, the Berlin University Alliance is funding, among others, the Distributed Network for Publishing Services (DNPS) project for a period of two years.

The focus of this project is the cooperative development of consulting and services for scholarly publishing as well as the expansion of networked open-access publishing infrastructures based on distributed competencies. The most important result of this project is the establishment of a joint open-access publisher, Berlin Universities Publishing, in which the publication services of the BUA institutions are offered jointly.

In doing so, we at BerlinUP also collaborate with other partners in Objective 5: Sharing Resources such as the BUA projects Concept Development for Collaborative Research Data Management Services, Digital Network Collections, and VIVO: record, search, and visualise scientific activities.